SHA-2, commencing February 2017
At some stage, from early 2017 onwards your bank will issue you with new SHA2 cards and appropriate card reading software.
At that stage, or before, you will need to update to the SHA2 version of f2b.
The software has been built to recognise both SHA-1 and SHA-2 cards and will adapt seamlessly when you receive your new SHA-2 cards from your bank.
You will need to be running Windows 7 or above on any machine that you use to submit BACS files, and you will need IE9 or above ( preferably IE11 ) to visit the BACS web site.
Details of how to download the SHA#2 compliant version of f2b are available here on the f2b Documentation page
More information
More information from BACS is available here:
For more in-depth details about the transition from SHA-1 to SHA-2 then there are explanatory articles here and here.
Further Enquiries
If you have any other questions about the upcoming transition to SHA-2 then please contact us